Monday, January 30, 2017

Today's lesson on how to use percentage change, mark-ups and discount formulas

In today's lesson, we're going to learn how to use percentage formulas to calculate:

a) percentage changes

b) % mark-ups and 

c) % discounts 

                                      all vital to business transactions and dealings.

To access the Excel spreadsheet, please click on this link.

                                                Percentage change formula:

Percentage markup:

Percentage discount:

Sale price = Marked Price x (1- % Discount)

% Discount= (Sale price - Marked Price) / Marked Price

Monday, January 23, 2017

Welcome to WHAE Personal Finance Class

Hi and welcome to West Haven Adult Ed. Consumer Math class with Richard Wiegand!

For a copy of the syllabus and course expectations, please click on this link.

The class will meet Mondays from 6:30 - 8:00 PM from September 11th through December 4th - except for holidays, snow-days or cancellations.  Please check the West Haven Adult Ed. web site for cancellations or postponements.

Today's lesson is about how to maintain a checking account registry using Excel. We will also discuss the cost of CT Sales tax on the purchase of goods and services in the state of CT.  To access the Len Lombardo Checking Account Registry, please click on this link.   To access the CT Sales Tax exercise, please click on this link.


The text for the course is entitled Personal Finance by Margaret Magnarelli.  To access the pdf, please click on this link.

Unlock Your Potential

Success is goals, and all else is commentary. All successful people are goal oriented.  They know what they want and they are focused single-mindedly on achieving it, every single day.  

Your ability to set goals is the master skill of success...Without goals, you simply drift and flow on the currents of life.  With goals, you fly like an arrow, straight and true to your target.  

Clear goals increase your confidence, develop your competence, and boost your levels of motivation.  As Tom Hopkins once said, "Goals are the fuel in the furnace of success."

Join the Top 3 Percent

Mark McCormack in his book What They Don't Teach you at Harvard Business School tells of a Harvard study conducted between 1979 and 1989.  In 1979, the graduates of the MBA program at Harvard were asked, "Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?"  It turned out that only 3% of the graduates had written goals and plans.  13% had goals, but they were not in writing.  Fully 84% had no specific goals at all, aside from getting out of school and enjoying the summer.

Ten years later, in 1989, the researchers interviewed the members of that class again.  They found that the 13% who had goals that were not in writing were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84% of students who had no goals at all.  But most surprisingly, they found that the 3% of graduates who had clear, written goals when they left Harvard were earning, on average, 10 times as much as the other 97% of graduates all together.  The only difference between the groups was the clarity of the goals they had for themselves when they graduated.

What an eye opener!  

This excerpt was taken from Brian Tracy's book entitled, Goals! How to Get Everything You Want Faster than You Thought Possible.