Monday, April 24, 2017

Terms and Concepts You Should Know for the Final Exam

I hope you enjoyed taking the course in Consumer Math at WHAE.

In the penultimate class, we will review key terms that you should know for the final exam.

Here is a summary of the key terms and questions that will be on the exam:

·         Percentage Change Formula – be able to calculate what the change in price was when     
          given an old and a new price
·         Percentage Discount Formula – you get x% off – the new sale price is?
·         Percentage Mark-up Formula – you want to make x% profit over the cost of an item –
          how much should you charge?
·         Future value formula – how much will the value of a savings or retirement account be worth if it grows at x% per year, over a 10, 20, 30, or 40-year period?  Be able to write out the formula to solve – extra credit for using Excel to find the exact answer (future value)
·         What is depreciation?  By how much per year does the average car depreciate in value? 
·         Be able to use to calculate the total interest paid on a car loan or a mortgage
·         What web sites would you go to for used car pricing information?
·         What is net worth? How do you calculate it?   What is an asset?  What is a liability?
Give 3 examples of a current liability.
·         What is a budget? Surplus? Deficit?  Is a budget more related to net worth or net income?  Why?
·         What is meant by the risk vs reward of an investment?  Which investments are risky?  Which investments are least risky?  Which investments give higher rates of return – risky ones or less risky ones? 
·         What is the max percentage you should allocate to housing as far as your budget is concerned?
·         What’s the most you should pay for a house as a multiple of your annual gross income?
·         When would you not consider buying a home?  Why?
·         What is liquidity mean as far as investing is concerned?  Which investments or assets are liquid? Which are illiquid? 
·         What are the advantages of a Roth IRA and a 401K? 
·         What are the biggest expense categories (as a percentage of your gross income)?
·         Why are many younger folks net worth negative while early retirees net worth positive?
·         List 3 good uses of credit (debt).  List 3 bad uses of credit (debt). 
·         What is the most important variable that the credit bureaus use in the calculation of your FICO score?
·         Why should you pay down your debt as fast as possible?
·         What is an emergency fund?  About how much should you set aside for it in terms of number of total avg monthly expenses?
·         What is a W-4 form?  What are exemptions/allowances on a W-4 used for?  What other info is required when filling out a W-4 form?
·         What is a W-2 form?  What key info do you find on it?
·         What’s the difference between APY and APR?
·         What is the FICA tax?  How much do employees typically pay in to FICA as a percentage of their gross income?
·         Be able to convert a decimal to a percentage to a fraction – esp for 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.3333, 0.6666, 0.25, 0.2, 0.125, three-eighths, seven-eighths
·         What is a credit vs a debit (in a checking account registry – transaction history)
·         How much of a percentage gain do you need to get back to break-even after suffering a loss of x%?
·         How to factor in the cost of CT state sales tax into the final purchase price
·         What is the historical rate of inflation in the U.S. and what does that do to the price of an item over a 1-year, 2-year and 3-year period?

·         If you double your money, what percentage increase is that?  Same question for tripling your money.

If you have any questions, please ask.   Good luck!